8 easy steps to get more value for your advertising $$

Many small business owners take a shotgun approach to advertising hoping they will hit their target. This approach can waste time and money. The new year is definitely the time to re-think your advertising strategy. Many small business owners take a shotgun approach to advertising hoping they will hit their target. This approach can waste time and money

Get the most bang for your advertising buck by following these 8 easy steps:

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1. Reach your target market

To ensure your advertising campaign is effective, you need to speak with the right people. Start by reviewing the demographics of your current client base. If you are already successful in one geographic region, age group or industry then look at maximising the exposure to other potential customers in that same group. Find out which publications or websites target these people and look at advertising there.

2. You need more than one advertisement

An advertising strategy is a plan that you commit to for the long term. Advertising results are not always instant. It is best to advertise in the same medium repetitively, rather than placing ad-hoc advertisements here, there and everywhere. It generally takes 3 exposures to your same advertisement before a potential client will respond. By advertising on a regular basis, it shows that you are committed to finding new clients, and the next time you advertise, they may be in a position to respond.

3. Have a call to action

To gain instant results from your advertising campaign, include a discount or special offer. An expiry date helps motivate customers to act straight away.

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4. Negotiate for editorial coverage

If you commit to regular advertisements with a publication, ask for editorial coverage. A third person editorial provides your product or service with credibility. Your editorial should be written to look like a regular article. It must be newsworthy or include some professional tips, news or trends that re-enforce the message of your advertisement. The aim is to build your reputation as an expert in your industry. When a customer needs your product or service or has a problem, you’re the first person they think of.

5. Make it professional

When designing your advertisement seek professional advice. Many publications have a graphic design department that will be able to assist you. Ensure that any logos or photos you are using are of the right resolution. Include all relevant contact details in the advertisement such as your web address and phone number.

6. Check and double check

It is your responsibility to ensure the details in your advertisement are right. Ensure that phone numbers, web address, dates, prices and details are correct. Have someone else in your business proofread the ad.

7. Be prepared!

Hopefully your campaign is a success and you are rushed off your feet with new enquiries. Before the advertisement goes to print, ensure that any products or services advertised are in stock and available.

8. Measure the outcomes

Question every new client on where they heard about you. This will enable you to work out which advertising campaigns have worked and which haven’t. This information helps you accurately allocate funds for future advertising budgets to ensure maximum return

Now that your advertising strategy is in place – get ready for the phone to ring.

Cindy Parker combines 18 years of marketing experience with a Bachelor of Business degree to help small/medium business owners maximise their profit. Cindy has worked in the Marketing Departments of medical, IT, financial services and beauty industries for both Australian and Multinational companies.

Four P’s Marketing Solutions assists small business with easy and cost effective marketing activities including website text that converts to sales, PR activities, powerful promotions, plus logical and easy to implement marketing advice.

One reply on “8 easy steps to get more value for your advertising $$

  • Caroline Chagas

    So very true! A brand is a promise and in this overly saturated market, loyalty and trust are more valuable than ever!

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