5 Ways to Write the Perfectly Crafted Email

In any industry, the way we ‘talk’ to one another in the business world is through email. But how do you leave a lasting impression on a potential employer or current boss? Enter: the perfectly crafted email.

Whether you want to take your career to the next level, or are on a hunt for a stellar new job, having a killer email is essential. Here are 5 ways to write the perfectly crafted email. Get ready to negotiate your way to the top and sing your own praises to the bossman via email!

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1. Hug Your Inbox & Say Hello

In face-to-face negotiations, research finds that the more powerful person will usually win out. If you’re negotiating with your boss, you have a better chance when negotiations are conducted over the phone or (surprise surprise) via email.

Facebook messaging and/or Skype chatting co-workers and bosses are a staple in people’s daily routine than face-to-face watercooler sessions. Some might actually call this unhealthy, others would call it the perfect opportunity to engage in negotiation.

Steve Jobs changed the game for how negotiation happens through email. In true word brawl, details are spewed via email, when we are often told these matters should be handled in person. It just goes to show that if done right, negotiating is possible over email.

2. First Impression = Subject Line

The first thing anyone sees when glancing at their inbox is subject lines. Keep your subject line simple yet informative. Mailchimp performed an email subject line study and found that short, descriptive subject lines perform best.

Try utilizing a call-to-actions, keep it under 50 characters, and don’t abuse the ALL CAPS button or exclamation points. Also, don’t fall into the temptation of using the subject line for a short email. It’s a habit that leads to unread emails later.

3. Spread the Good Vibes

Once you’ve established a subject matter, open with a personal statement. It sends a signal that you’re trustworthy. Try this:

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Hi Jane,

I just returned from a much-needed family vacation at the happiest place in the world, Disney. It feels good to be back in the office again even though my to-do list seems to e overflowing.

Emails aren’t meant to be peace, love, and happiness, but studies have shown that those who share personal details throughout negotiations have yielded higher results than those who kept things dry and monetary.

Try utilising a call-to-actions, keep it under 50 characters, and don’t abuse the ALL CAPS button or exclamation points.

Next, engage in a Q&A conversation with your negotiating partner. Getting people to talk about themselves can trigger the same sensations of pleasure as food or money so use this to your advantage. Be sure your questions and action items are clear and explicit with bullet points and proper format. Keep in mind the other person’s perspective. It’s always good to validate their opinion to have them working with you.

Also, be aware of your verbiage. Using words like “we” help to build cooperation by promoting a sense of union. Try to stray away from these words.

4. Don’t Be Too Casual

Ask yourself: What’s your market value? When employees get an offer, feelings of happiness and giddiness are the most common responses, in the hopes of trying not to seem too delighted. This causes a chain reaction that forces people to gloss over real issues in hopes to earn brownie points in the long run.

This will drive your manager crazy. The best strategy is to voice your concerns and work through them.

5. Show No Fear & Be A Solution

When closing your emails, end with a clear call to action. Stay confident and don’t ask them for the next steps – GIVE them the next steps. Make it simple for your negotiating partner to say yes to a meeting or phone call.

Be sure your questions and action items are clear and explicit with bullet points and proper format.

It’s been 20+ years that people have been using email. It’s a proven form of communication for the business community. Words are capable of communicating the bottom line and can portray emotions of passion, curiosity, and empathy. By mimicking “real life” conversations via email, you have the ability to successfully reach your end results.

Featured photo credit: amanky via photopin cc

Anna Crowe Leaders in Heels bio imgAnna Crowe, Hello Anna Branding

Anna has helped brands like McDonald’s, staySky Hotels & Resorts, and Hearst Publications achieve explosive success. In her spare time, Anna moonlights as a blogger and enjoys eating vanilla frosted donuts with sprinkles. Say hello on Twitter via @annaleacrowe