A lot has been written about how to promote your brand through social media, or using SEO. But how about in the real world, away from that computer or smartphone screen? What innovative methods can you use to get your brand name out there—methods which are affordable for small and medium businesses?
Use Promotional Products
When you come down to it, people love freebies. So why not ensure the freebies they get have your brand or business name on them? This is about getting your brand name out there, so get creative!
Don’t just think pens or waterbottles. For example, Fresh Promotions, which specialises in custom branded products, has a huge range of products from water pistols to cow-shaped kitchen timers. What kinds of items would encapsulate the spirit of your company, and are unusual enough to stick in people’s minds?
Do note that giving out items indiscriminately on the street will have a limited effect. You’ll find it far more effective if you hand them out at specific events, or to a certain group of people.
Collaborate with Local Artists
Firstly, the reference to ‘artists’ here does not strictly refer to visual artists, but ones in any medium. This could include musicians, performers, or writers, for example.
Okay, so you probably can’t afford people like Lady Gaga or Banksy to endorse your business. But there are many local artists in the community who have a small, dedicated following. These followers are the kind you’d want to have in your corner. They’re engaged with the artist both online and off. They’ll travel to another city if the artist has an event on. They care about what the artist is up to—and the people or brands working with the artist.
It’s a two-way street. You can offer the artist something they need, such as an exhibition or performing space at no cost. A run of flyers or postcards for their latest event. Or you could even purchase some of their art for a giveaway. And in return, they’ll promote your brand or business to their followers, whether online or during their event.
Of course, it’s crucial to partner with an artist whose audience would be complementary to your brand. You won’t get many new clients if you sell ballet gear, and you partner with a rapper. The added bonus is that you’re promoting local art—and it doesn’t get much better than that!
Hold an Event
And I don’t mean an event that’s all about telling people how wonderful your brand or product is. In this age of online spam and constant advertising through TV and print media, what people want isn’t more of that.
Instead, think about the skills you’ve picked up from running your business, or the values you consider to be a big part of your brand. How can you share them with others? It’s all about getting people with similar interests or values aware of your brand, and even personally invested.
It doesn’t have to be a big event like a whole-day conference or anything of the sort. Think small shindigs on your business premises. Have a cupcake store? Why not hold a decorating workshop? A freelance taxation lawyer? Offer an hour-long workshop on how to get the most out of your tax return.
If you can show you care about the community and want to give back, your brand will be that much stronger for it.
How else do you promote your brand offline? We’d love to hear about it in the comments!
Featured Image: rahego
This post was supported by Fresh Promotions. Check out their huge range of customisable promotional products!