The ability to drive in one direction for at least an hour or two, to then find yourself in a fabulous new place, teeming with great food, amazing wine and lazy, sunny days without end is right here. All you have to do is hitch a caravan to your car and go for broke! Caravanning around Australia has so much to offer you and your family. It’s a perfect way to unwind and spend quality time with your loved ones. There’s no fussing about where you’re going to stay, how you’re going to get there – it’s all taken care of! Here are 6 tips for caravanning around Australia.

1. Be prepared

I know it seems like such a Girl Guides cliché, but you have to be prepared. If you are travelling around Australia, you have to keep in mind that you might be 375km between fuel stops (up to 800km in some areas) so you’ll have to carry your own spare fuel, food to last and your own water. Water is non-negotiable: especially in dry desert areas.

Make sure to carry your own fuel in case of emergency on a long run

2. Use Highway One

Also known as the M1, Highway One circles the rim of the country. It’s the only road that reaches right up North. It’s also the one most populated with rest stops, toilet facilities and overnight areas. These overnight areas are usually safe, as you’ll rarely be alone in one of them! Remember, caravanning can be a great social activity, too! Remember – sticking tonorth-south/east-west drives is safer than travelling on diagonals.

3. Stress less and go during off-season

You’ve been to the beach in summer, right? It’s crowded, hot and sticky. Fighting for a spot on the beach is no fun at all. So avoid going during summer, Easter and during school holidays. It’s definitely worth exploring places off the beaten track for some great spots unspoiled by an influx tourists.

4. Shack up in one spot as a “base”

If you love one aspect of Australia, it makes sense to explore it all. If you love wine, you can take your caravan to the Barossa Valley, unhitch the caravan and start exploring the region as a series of day trips! It’s a fantastic way to experience life in a different part of Australia without having to pick up sticks!

5. Always take the weather (report) with you

Just remember, Australia is a huge place with lots of weird weather (and no, I’m not just talking about a typical Melbourne day.) You might have to contest with 45-degree days, cyclones and big wets in the Top End. Know what you’re up for before you head there.

6. Embrace the caravanning spirit

Throw your itineraries and schedules away – caravanning is an adventurous way to unwind! You’re literally as free as the roads take you. No flights to catch, no timetables to follow; it’s as relaxing as you make it. Make new friends, explore new places and have more fun than ever before!
All images via Pixabay under Creative Commons CC0


Bill-Tsouvalas-Leaders-in-Heels-imgBill Tsouvalas

Bill Tsouvalas is founder and managing director at Savvy Caravan Loans – a part of the Savvy Finance group. Bill has been working in the vehicle and leisure finance business for more than eight years. He also writes car reviews and articles on car finance, chattel mortgage, insurance, consumer protection and insurance related topics.

I’m travelling at the moment, and it’s made me realise just how many gadgets we use on a daily basis. After all, when you’re always on the move in a foreign country, gadgets suddenly become a liability as well, because it’s a lot harder to simply plug them in and use them!

With that in mind, here are three simple tips to ensure that travelling with gadgets doesn’t become more trouble than they’re worth.

1. Check the voltage

A basic tip, but so easy to forget. Different countries use different voltages. America’s outlets put out 120V while Australia and Europe use 220V. Always check your chargers to see what they’re rated for. Some are only rated for 220V and therefore won’t even charge your device if in a 120v socket. And if you plug a 120V charger in a 220V socket, you’ll probably destroy your device.

I repeat. Always check the voltage.

2. Keep your chargers in your carry-on

I tend to throw my chargers into my check-in baggage whenever I travel, in order to keep my carry-on luggage under the weight limit. But it’s not a great idea when your flight(s) is/are delayed, you’re stuck in an airport for hours, possibly overnight, and just about every gadget you own is totally out of juice. Especially if that includes your mobile.

Most airports have powerpoints around that you can use, whether they’re explicitly marked or a little plug in the corner by the gate. Don’t check in your chargers and adaptors. You won’t regret it.

3. Bring a powerboard

This is a tip I give everyone who says they’re planning to travel. We have so many gadgets these days that need charging. A camera, video camera, laptop, mobile, tablet, ebook reader… it’s likely you’ll have 2-3 devices to charge at the end of the day. Add in a few travelling companions, and you’ll be fighting for the sockets in no time.

A powerboard is the simple solution. All you need is one socket and one plug adaptor, and you’re all set. A device hog? Bring along an 8-plug powerboard if you must! This will save you a lot of time and device-swapping, I promise.

Featured image: L’aéroport à Noël

What tips do you have for anyone travelling with gadgets? Let us know in the comments!