Did you know:
1. Women earn less than men, with an 18% gender gap.
2. Women tend to take more time out of the workforce, particularly when they have children, reducing the amount of super they accumulate.
3. We usually retire earlier and live longer than men.
4. Women in Australia are likely to retire with 40% less super than men.
Scared? You should be.
Barbra Norris, VicSuper Chairperson says, “Research shows that of all retired households, single women are the most likely to be dependent on the full Age Pension for their income. That’s just under $730 per fortnight (2012). It’s clear that the more we can do to assist women to overcome the financial issues associated with lower wages and time out of the workforce, the better off we’ll be as a society.”
VicSuper’s bi-annual fourth Super Woman Money Program begins in August. The 3 month program helps women:
Discover our Make Your Mark planners and journals to help you create daily life habits to grow as a leader.
– learn more about their finances
– take better control of their money and
– help improve their lifestyle now and in the future.
Join the FREE Super Woman Money Program and you get:
1. 12 weekly emails with articles prepared by our super woman money experts. The program covers key topics such as debt, investing, creating a budget, insurance and superannuation.
2. Practical steps to help you make the most of your money, now and into the future.
3. A dedicated website with an ‘Ask the expert’ section where women can post questions to financial planners.
4. VicSuper’s ‘300+ ways to save money’ tips.
5. Bonus articles from super women financial experts, such as saving for a house deposit, holiday or share portfolio.
Where and when (Circle these very important dates in your diary).
Melbourne events
14 August: Money bootcamp
How to save fast & build your own spending plan.
Location/Time: Melbourne CBD
3 September: Girls just wanna have funds
Planning your (female) finances.
Location/Time: Melbourne CBD
9 October: Super for every Super Woman
Get the most out of your superannuation.
Location/Time: Melbourne CBD
22 October: What women want
Investment strategies for women.
Location/Time: Melbourne CBD
Join the ranks of over 2,500 women who have been through the program, with a huge 95% of participants surveyed saying they were motivated to apply what they’d learned. The feedback has been extremely positive:
“As I always say, a man is not a financial plan! It’s about time women educated themselves regarding how to use their money wisely to protect themselves in the future.”
“I have found the program invaluable. Great to receive so much encouragement to achieve financial security and hopefully financial freedom in the long run.”
To sign up for the program go to www.superwomanmoney.com. For a sneak peek at the Money Bootcamp event from the last program, click here.