Do you have a Personal Profile on Facebook? Is your Facebook Profile secure? Many Facebook users do not understand the privacy settings and have their Profiles open for everyone to see everything. Yesterday I landed on the Profile of a friend’s wife. Even though we aren’t Facebook friends, her whole Profile was visible. I could see who her friends were, her contact details, including her phone number, address and photo albums.
Protect your Profile, protect your business
If you have your own business, it is even more important to protect your Profile and the information posted as it reflects directly on you as a business owner. It is your responsibility to ensure that your Profile is locked down and protected. Below I’ve shared with you the key areas you need to confirm and modify to ensure that your personal privacy is protected. For business owners, particular areas are also focused upon when it comes to protecting your professional image.
Profile Image
Profile images become part of the first impression when someone lands on your Profile. By default, they are set to ‘Public’ but this can be changed. A few years ago, my mum was sent a letter from the bank introducing our new business banker. Mum did a quick Google search to find an image to add to our contacts database. At the very top of the Google results was his Facebook Personal Profile. Let’s just say based on his image selection he is no longer our business banker. Make sure your Profile image matches the impression you want to project as business owners.
Cover Image
Cover images are set to ‘Public’ and this can’t be changed. Often your cover image (due to its size) has a bigger first impression than your profile image. A client of mine was ready to hire a new employee. Just before sending the letter of offer she did a quick check of their Facebook Profile only to discover the ‘soft porn’ cover images. She did not get the letter of offer as she could not risk the company’s reputation if one of their clients saw this image. Make sure your cover image matches the impression you want to project as a business owner or employee. Save your other photos for private albums or leave them off Facebook.
About Section
Your Facebook About Section lists information about you and it is often the area people refer to when wanting to find out more about you. Approach this section in two minds. Firstly as a business owner; consider information to include which would encourage people to want to find out more about me and my business. Include a brief description paragraph and your major business contact details. I also include information about my Facebook Business Page and a link through to it. Make all these details publicly available (in your privacy settings). As a Facebook user, include information which will help you connect and find more of your friends, such as movies, books you like, etc. Keep these privacy settings to ‘friends only’.
Linking Your Facebook Page In ‘Work’ Section
A major part of your ‘About’ section is the ‘Work’ section. This is an ideal area for you to highlight your Facebook Business Page and gain new fans. In fact, it’s a proven area for increasing your Facebook fans. In this area, simply type in your exact Page Name and Facebook will automatically link the two together. You will know it’s linked when you see your Page profile and cover image. If you see a grey suitcase it didn’t work. Make sure you set this privacy setting to ‘Public’.
Privacy Settings
There are two main areas where you need to check your privacy settings. From the cog on the top right hand corner of Facebook, select ‘Privacy Settings’ from the drop down menu. Make sure you go through this section at least monthly to ensure that you are happy with the settings – remember Facebook Privacy is your responsibility. Then jump back to your Profile and check the areas individually. The most important area to check is your photos and albums – these need to be set individually. Often, most photos are open to the public.
If you have an account on Facebook it is your responsibility to ensure your Profile is protected. I would hate for you to lose business because someone saw something they did not like. Protect your Profile, protect your business.
Featured Image Credit: West McGowan
Natalie Alaimo
Natalie Alaimo is a social media marketing expert who teaches business owners how to build their brand via online marketing to create an avalanche of clients ready to buy from you. She helps clients via custom workshops, the Ask Natalie Academy and private coaching. Natalie is the creator of The Social Media Blueprint – Managing Your Social Media in 10 Minutes per Day.
A Gold Coast, Australian local she enjoys, tap dancing, painting and spending time with her family.
Natalie is an international speaker and blogger who has been involved with companies such as; Telstra, Ray White, BNI, BWI, WNA, Keune, Babor, Self Storage Association and Starshot Photography.