3 steps for connecting with your cream market

When you work with your ideal client, everything that is important to you just works as you like. Your ideal client values your time and your expertise. They pay on time and they refer business to you. They are loyal and commit to the outcome they desire.

So how do you connect with your ‘cream market’ or in other words, how do you attract your ideal client that has the means to pay you well for your products or services and you will enjoy working with?

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I have seen time and time again that people relate so much more when they are listening to our story. After all, when we are solo entrepreneurs or small business owners, our clients are buying from us because they like us and trust us. When they know our story, they feel as though they have entered into our world and become a member of our tribe.

We all have our story. There is no one on this planet that has never had some challenges or obstacles that they have had to overcome. When we share our story and our business ‘why’ we endear ourselves to our cream market with whom our story resonates. Remember, our ‘cream market ‘ are very much an extension of you.

Here are my 3 steps for connecting with your cream market:

1. Identify your ideal client

First thing is first and you need to identify your ideal client. You need to know the type of person you want to work with before you can start attracting them into your eco-system.

How old are they? Are they married? Do they have kids? What do they value? What is there income? Where do they live? Where do they hang out? What are their interests?

All of these questions are just so important as without all of the answers to these questions, marketing and finding these people is very difficult as you will have to spread your marketing online and offline very thin and you might never hit the right target. This type of research is often call identifying your avatar for your business and is often not done by SME’s very well.

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Don’t make the mistake of trying to be everything to everyone. Your sanity and business depends on you getting this right.

2. Talk in their language

We buy from people we like and trust. In other words, we buy from people that are like us. In the previous step of identifying your ideal client, you will have painted a very clear picture of who they are. Now it is very important if you want to magnetize them into your eco-system that you speak their language.

Whether they are young or old, male or female, it is very beneficial to your ability to connect with these people who you want to work with. The great thing is, by you being your authentic self, you will never have to fake it or be something you are not.

This is where telling our story has its greatest effect and where we can really build up some interest and trust with our potential clients.

3. Be where they are

As I mentioned early, most SME’s don’t have the marketing budget to cover all bases and be everywhere all the time like the large corporations. We need to be strategic in our marketing and make our dollars count. One of the best ways for small businesses to attract clients is to form a relationship with them online on Social Media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and Twitter. If your ideal client loves watching ‘how to’ or educational videos online yet you don’t do videos for your business you are missing a huge opportunity to build a connection with these potential clients.

Go where they are and build a relationship so you and your business is top of mind. Make sure you take the time to tell your story and keep it real. Show your passion and share your business ‘WHY’ and your cream market will start to appear.

How do you connect with your cream market? Share your tips in the comments below!

Natasa Denman headshotNatasa Denman is a skilled executive coach, author of four best-selling books, and founder of The Ultimate 48 Hour Author. Within her mentoring program she guides time-poor entrepreneurs and business owners through the publishing process so that they can have their own story in print.

For more information visit www.ultimate48hourauthor.com.au, the first two people to email Natasa at book@ultimate48hourauthor.com.au will also receive a free copy of her book!


Photo credit: Free Press