7 Secrets Every Business Owner Must Know – Identify and Play to Your Strengths – Part 1

Everyone who starts a business wants to be successful at it. Why is it then that so many businesses fail within the first 1-5 years? Part of it is the reason you have started your business.

Most people do so because they want to make a difference and believe they can provide a service that fills a gap in the marketplace. A great example of this is Apple’s iPod, iPhone and iPad. There was nothing really like them available on the market when they were first released. Now other companies have released their own versions.

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Another reason people start a business is to improve on what is currently on offer. This could be something other businesses are not doing at all, or something they’re doing but either not very well, or it isn’t being mentioned by anyone else because it’s a common thing to do in your industry. A great example of this is Domino’s Pizza and their “Delivered hot and fresh within 30 minutes or it’s free” promise.

While these may be good reasons to start a business, you need to provide your customers with more than just a good product or service if you want to succeed and avoid become another statistic.

Your business must communicate how you can help potential customers solve a problem they have before they will do business with you. In this seven part series, I’ll be sharing with you some ways to help you do this in your business. Today’s topic is about finding and using your natural skills and talents.

Secret #1 – Identify and Play to Your Strengths

You were born with a set of skills, talents and gifts that you naturally do better than most others. These are the things that come more easily to you. They’re also part of the information revealed in your fingers and fingerprints.

You want to focus the core of your business around these strengths and build on them consistently. Knowing your strengths and talents can also help you to decide which tasks you should do yourself and which ones to delegate.

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Aside from in your fingerprints, here are some other ways you can identify your strengths:

Stay tuned for part two in this series which will be about following your passion.

Leonie Hope

Leonie Hope is known as the Purpose, Passion and Profit Specialist, and founder of Inspired Life Paths. She’s also a speaker, author, and qualified NLP Coach. Leonie’s passionate about empowering entrepreneurs and business owners to create a profitable, unique and authentic business that stands out from the crowd and makes a difference. She achieves this by interpreting the information found in your fingers and fingerprints.

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