Why men love bitches by Sherry Argov

It’s been a while since I read this book and I remember how much fun I had reading it together with my girlfriends on a girly weekend away. That memory was while ago now all my girlfriends are busy with engagements and babies. Yay.

Do you feel like you are too nice with men? Sherry Argov’s Why Men Love Bitches delivers a unique perspective as to why men are attracted to a strong woman.

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Contending that some women are “too nice,” comedian and radio show host Sherry Argov has written From Doormat to Dreamgirl-A Woman’s Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship. Argov is not recommending that a woman have an abrasive disposition. “The woman I’m describing is kind yet strong. She doesn’t give up her life, and she won’t chase a man.” Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered.

While working on another book “Why Men Marry Bitches” Argov found that men want to commit to women who exude confidence and are in control of their lives. What I really love about Argov’s books is that they drive my confidence to the maximum and makes every woman standing up for herself.

Here are a few quotes from “Why Men Love Bitches” and “Why Men Marry Bitches” by Sherry Argov.

There are two types of sexy. The woman who is obviously trying to be sexy. Then there is the woman who isn’t trying to be sexy – she just is. Most guys find the second one to be much sexier.

To give a man too much reassurance too soon is the same as over watering a plant. It kills it.

Men like things that are difficult. They like to drive stick-shift automobiles. They like to jump out of airplanes, and they like to climb mountains. They like to do the impossible.

Therefore, when he has to go out of his way to see you, he is actually happier. I will not feel like work for him.

In romance, there’s nothing more attractive to a man than a woman who has dignity and pride in who she is.

When a man sees you are happy with him but you can be just as happy having nothing to do with him, that’s when he won’t want to leave your side. When you are happy, you are sexy.

What do you think about Sherry Argov’s theory?

Do you tend to be a “nice girl”?

36 replies on “Why men love bitches by Sherry Argov

  • Lisa Fairbridge

    I cant say I fully agree with some of the quotes there. Thats just my opinion though. I do agree with the first one though. Sexy isnt just on the outside it comes from the inside too. If you have to try hard on the outside maybe its cause you dont feel sexy enough on the inside.

  • myff

    Truly loving yourself & ‘owning’ your look exudes 110% self confidence people see you as a strong beautiful person bitch or not it’s the way to be.

  • Not a bitch

    Men don’t really like bitches. They like ladies, that are sexy without knowing it. My husband married two bitches and now he has little demur, sexy without knowing it, me. (so my hubby tells me) and he’s been with me the longest. It really doesn’t pay to be a bitch. Men might ‘play around’ with ‘bitches’, however none are really serious about ‘bitches’, even if men call women ‘bitches’. My husband has never called me a bitch, ever. There is a difference.

  • Katarzyna

    hmmm……..yes and no. Not for you, but some people will think of you this way. Anyway, that’s good! I’ve just learned that often these who are loved by majority it is because they do not have an opinion

  • Lauren

    Because they don’t want a spineless woman, they can let go and don’t have to be the one in charge all the time. It can be quite tiring sometimes to be with someone who can’t make up her mind and contribute her opinions. Are bitches supposed to be unreasonable?

  • Monique

    Being a bitch is so un-attractive! Bitchy can be misinterprated [sp?] for ‘hard to get’ and i wreckon thats what guys are attracted to

  • Louise

    I think it is just like how some women are attracted to “Bad Boys”. Different people look for/need different qualities. Some passive, some passive aggressive.

  • Lucie C

    I think there are plenty of men out there that are exactly like that and plenty that aren’t. I wouldn’t throw them all in one basket.

    Am I a nice girl ?? Yes but life has tought me to stand up for myself when I need to. Would I ever try out his theory to get a guy ?? No. I believe you should always stay true to yourself … being confident in who you are … is sexy.

  • Tracy Boulter

    Men are attracted to strong women who are challenging so a guy will never get bored with her, she will always keep him guessing.

  • Ash

    Based on my own experiences I was a “Yes’ woman to a couple of ex- boyfriends and they walked all over me. When I met my husband I told him straight up that I was not a “barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen” type of gal. Almost 20 years later , I have still stuck to my guns and he loves the bones off me even though I drive him crazy!

  • Jodie Harlow

    In my experience, behaviour is often reciprocated, unless one party is suffering lack of self esteem or self belief. Unequal partnerships, such as nice guy/biatch or nice girl/bastard, rarely last long term because eventually the mistreated party realises they are worth more. I would rather be too kind and single, than play games.

  • MissMel

    In a way I do agree, but in another no. Different men have different preferences I think…
    I would like to say I am a nice girl, but I can lean the other way at times!

  • Maree

    Who knows why Men do what they do?
    Not me…Perhaps they feel that they Bitch is a challenge?
    Perhaps thats the same as woman going for the Bad Boy

  • Sian

    Boys never grow up. They have to be stimulated ALL the time and have short attention spans. Strong woman (aka Bitches perhaps) offer stimulation and also provide stability & safety. Men like to be controlled as it makes them feel safe. No one likes being out of control.

  • Danielle Watson

    Hey, I have absolutely noooo idea what men want, I just know that it’s far easier for me not to be a bitch, on the few occasions I have been one it’s ultimately led to tears and regret and I can’t say it got me anywhere. Maybe I just ain’t got the knack of it, but then I haven’t got the knack of men either so there you go! I do have many many much loved friend’s though so it’s not all bad!

  • Sandra Mills

    Most men like sexy confident women not bitches & the men who like bitches once they catch them game over, they really are dogs disguised as men! LOL I like men who like themselves in a healthy way & it makes sense that men are attracted to women who like & respect themselves and have a life going on without them also. I have heard that women who are clingy are a turnoff to men just like clingy men are a turnoff to women…….we really are alike in many ways. :)

  • sheri

    Just like ladies like assholes i guess lol it’s the chase and craving for wanting the other person to want you back love hate relationships are for people who dont want them selfs to be happy they are a waste of time bettwe off really giving it a go with someone who suite you better and you can get along with

  • lynne lillington

    It’s not that they love bitches, they love confident women who know what the want , and dont settle for second best. Thats why the bitch picked them as they were the best, or the best to push around.

  • VEN

    I think men are just really boys are heart – who love a strong woman to organise everything for them so they don’t have to think too hard about pleasing us ladies, after all, sometimes we are critical when they get it wrong!

  • Vija

    The bitchy woman that you describe sounds like the perfect woman. So, I agree wholeheartedly, why wouldn’t they

  • Mademoiselle

    BITCH stands for Babe in total control of herself. Not as nasty bitch as most of these comments are alluding to.

    I like the book and if followed it will help you be in control so the man isn’t. men like the chase, remember that!

  • leabelle

    Am a bitch, Bitch which you guys are referring to. A woman who is strong :) And I love being it. I always do stupid things (but no flirting with other guys) which causes us break ups.. And everytime we split, he’s the one whom bending thy knees instead of me. hahaha. And, i love him so much.

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